Nearly 3.5 billion people have no access to the gospel today. That disturbs us and we hope it disturbs you, as well. Perhaps it disturbs you enough to want to do something about it. That’s where the Frontier Fund comes in.
Simply put, Cornerstone International’s Frontier Fund is focused exclusively on seeing the remaining unreached and unengaged people groups of the world have Christ proclaimed among them and disciple making movements and church planting movements birthed. That’s it.
We believe that it is unjust that, still today, the vast majority of global mission workers are sent to people groups and locations that are already reached with the gospel and almost all of global mission giving goes towards people groups and locations that are already reached. We want to change that and we invite you to join with us.
A people group is considered unreached (UPG) when there is no indigenous community of believing Christians able to engage this people group with church planting. Technically speaking, the percentage of evangelical Christians in this people group is less than 2 percent. *
An unengaged unreached people group (UUPG) has no known disciple making or church planting initiatives underway by the outside church, from either near or far away. None.
The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) is Jesus’ last command to his followers (including us today). He makes it clear that His disciples are to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations (panta ta ethne). “All nations” in this context means “all peoples” or all people groups, not countries defined by geographical boundaries. That distinction is crucial.
Join with us today in praying, working and giving towards the day when we will see those from every “tongue, tribe, people and nation” (Rev 7:9) around the throne of God, worshiping. What a day that will be!