Dan and Elaine lancaster
Dan Lancaster (PhD) began serving internationally in Southeast Asia in 2003 alongside his wife, Holli, and their four children. Over the next twelve years in Myanmar and Thailand, Dan and a trusted local partner, Gilbert, developed “Follow Jesus Training”—a discipleship, leadership, and church-planting initiative crafted especially for semi-literate and non-literate communities. This training has introduced thousands to Christ and empowered the growth of numerous house churches and discipleship groups around the world.
In 2015, the Lancasters returned to the United States, where Dan served as Assistant Vice President for University Ministries at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. Tragically, ten months later, Holli passed away from ovarian cancer. Dan continued to follow God’s call to missions, returning to international work in 2017 with Love for Myanmar and later joining Cornerstone International in 2019 as Director of Coaching.
After seven years marked by both deep grief and unwavering faith, Dan married Elaine Batson Payne in 2023. He praises God for blessing him with another soulmate equally passionate about global ministry. Dan is also a best-selling author known for Powerful Prayers in the War Room and several other books on practical discipleship, Christian living, and children’s faith development. Through “Every Home a Lighthouse,” Dan and Elaine now focus on equipping families everywhere with Christ-centered resources that spark hope, healing, and lasting transformation.