Our Missionaries


karl and cindy pokrop


Cindy started serving in Honduras in 1992 and Karl joined along with her passion in 2002. They have 6 grown children, one being adopted from Honduras before they started mission work there. Their lives are full with 15 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild.

They served at the Hospital Loma de Luz for 16 years part time. In 2019, Karl was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a terminal blood cancer. God used this to strengthen their faith and change their ministry. They now go out into the community sharing Jesus along with food and clothing to the poor. In addition, they work at two local clinics. Although Karl must continue to receive chemotherapy for the remainder of his life, they are still able to go to Honduras for 6 weeks at a time.

You can follow them at www.pokropmissions.com. They welcome you to partner with them.