Our Missionaries


Lauren and kevin sanchez


Lauren and Kevin are serving in Parramos, Guatemala. They run an English and soccer school called Academy of Future Leaders. The school’s mission is to offer English, a much sought after skill, to an impoverished rural community. Parramos is a town of 30,000 people where the largest form of employment within the city limits is agriculture. There is no access to higher education in the area and unemployment is higher than the national average.

Lauren and Kevin also run a free mentorship group for youth in the community on Saturdays. What started with eight students coming over to watch soccer games and eat pizza, now has 35 youth involved and various classes and programs. The group has lovingly named itself “More Than a Family.” Every Saturday the students come to the school at 10:00am and study English until 12:00pm. At 12:30pm lunch is provided, cooked fresh by a local mom, they have free time to play or hang out with their friends and in the afternoon there are various workshops for them to choose from including cooking, driving, English or art.

Within the group, single or no-parent homes are common and abuse and neglect are prevalent. Lauren and Kevin’s efforts are to improve programs, health and education within the community. They also focus on loving people and being a safe place.

Check out their ministry
